Do Fibroids Increase the Risk of Cancer? Facts vs. Myths

fibroids treatment in South Delhi

Fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyomas, are benign (non-cancerous) growths that develop in or on the uterus. They are incredibly common, especially in women of reproductive age. Despite their prevalence, fibroids are surrounded by myths, particularly the belief that they significantly increase the risk of cancer. However, if anyone is diagnosed with fibroids, it is important to seek fibroids treatment in South Delhi as they can cause other serious issues if left untreated.

Let’s dive into the facts to separate truth from misconception.

1.   Myth: Fibroids Are Always Linked to Cancer

One of the most common misconceptions is that fibroids are precursors to cancer. However, it has not been stated anywhere by any of the experts. Most of the fibroids and non-cancerous or benign. Additionally, they pose no direct risk of converting into a cancerous form. According to medical research, less than 1% of uterine fibroids are linked to a rare form of cancer called uterine sarcoma. This type of cancer is unrelated to the presence of typical fibroids and is exceptionally rare.

Fact: Fibroids and Cancer Are Not the Same

Fibroids and uterine cancer are entirely different conditions. While fibroids arise from the smooth muscle cells of the uterus, uterine cancer usually originates in the endometrial lining or other uterine tissues. The presence of fibroids does not inherently signal an increased risk of developing uterine cancer. 

2.   Myth: Large Fibroids Are More Likely to Be Cancerous

Some believe that the size of a fibroid correlates with its potential to become cancerous. Well, there is no scientific confirmation to this statement. Large fibroids can cause significant symptoms like pain, heavy bleeding, or pressure on nearby organs, but size alone does not determine malignancy.

Fact: Fibroids Can Mimic Symptoms of Uterine Cancer

Although fibroids themselves are not cancerous, their symptoms can sometimes overlap with those of uterine cancer, such as abnormal bleeding or pelvic pain. For this reason, it’s crucial to seek medical evaluation for any concerning symptoms. Early diagnosis is key to ruling out serious conditions.

3.   Myth: Hormonal Treatments for Fibroids Increase Cancer Risk

Hormonal treatments, like gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, are commonly prescribed to manage fibroid symptoms. Some worry that these treatments could heighten cancer risk. However, there is no evidence to suggest that hormone therapies for fibroids lead to uterine cancer.

Fact: Regular Monitoring Is Important

While fibroids themselves are not a cause for alarm, regular gynecological check-ups are essential. Monitoring fibroids can help manage symptoms and detect any rare complications early.


Fibroids are a common and manageable condition, and they are rarely linked to cancer. Understanding the facts about fibroids can help dispel unnecessary fears and encourage proactive health management. If you have concerns about fibroids or related symptoms, consult your gynecologist doctor in South Delhi to gain clarity and ensure your well-being.

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