Common Orthopedic Problems in Pregnancy

Common Orthopedic Problems in Pregnancy

A woman experiences a lot of physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. To cope with them, it is important to consult the Best Gynecologist in Greater Kailash.

If we talk about physical changes in women during pregnancy, then orthopedic problems are common, and this is what we will be discussing here in the post.

Orthopedic Issues During Pregnancy

Lower Back Pain

Back pain is among the commonest orthopedic issues that a pregnant woman experiences. This is often because of the extra body weight. As a result of the growth and development of the fetus, the expecting mother gains weight. This puts pressure on the back muscles. Sometimes, the pain is severe. In such situations, having a strong back is important. So, maintain a strong back by doing exercises under the guidance of a skilled and experienced physiotherapist.

Osteitis Pubis

Another orthopedic condition that women may experience during pregnancy is osteitis pubis. It is an inflammatory condition that affects pubis symphysis. Bones at the front of the pelvis are called the pubic symphysis. Inflammation at this junction occurs because of the added weight and the position of the developing fetus. Pain associated with the condition can improve with the application of ice and heat and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Heel Pain

Added body weight during pregnancy also causes heel pain. However, heel pain may occur because of plantar fasciitis. This is a condition characterized by the inflammation of a thick band of tissue present at the bottom of the foot. This band is called the plantar fascia and it connects the heel bone to the toes. Stabbing pain is what one experiences because of the condition which occurs during pregnancy. It is intense in the morning and the latter stages of pregnancy.

The application of ice and the use of shoe inserts may help improve the condition. In severe cases, the healthcare service provider may give cortisone shots.

Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip

This often occurs during late-term pregnancy. Transient hip osteoporosis is characterized by temporary bone loss around the hip joint. This makes the hip joint weak. The reason for the same is unknown but hormonal changes are believed to cause the same. Besides this, weight-bearing stress also contributes to the condition.

Knee Pain

Knee pain is very common in pregnancy and the reason for the same is simple i.e., added weight of carrying the baby. This is why rest is advised during pregnancy as it helps cope with knee pain by relieving pressure. This is especially true in the later stages of pregnancy as the fetus grows heavy.

To manage these conditions timely and ensure a healthy & happy pregnancy, consult an experienced doctor. Dr. Ruchi Tandon is an experienced gynecologist in South Delhi and also provides the best fibroids treatment in Greater Kailash.

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